Thursday, August 26, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging:

Life has a way to throw curves at you. You have no idea what to expect, but you can have choice as to how you are going to pursue what you have been given.

Yesterday, while I was on my ambulance, I got a call for a thirteen year old who was having a seizure. Fire beat us to the scene, and together we got the child in my ambulance, with Valium on board. As I helped take care of this child I learned more about him. He has a history of Autism, Diabetic, and Seizures. Someone may say, that parent thrown a curve in their life. But this mother was so gracious as we took care of her child and so helpful with information. She did not seem like this child was a burden, or like she was being put out. She was strong, and quiet, letting us do our jobs. Her kindness shown as she thanked us for helping.

Your loved one did not ask to have Alzheimer's. You do have the choice to either take this condition with grace and carry yourself with love for your loved one with Alzheimer's or you may look the other way, and be mad at the world. There are many places on the Internet to find information to help you, to find support groups and respite care.

Check out my website for links to look at for more information.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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