Thursday, April 15, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging: Alzheimersblogging:

ISOLATION: Social separation of a person. A lack of contact between persons, groups, or whole societies. The failure of an individual to maintain contact with others.

I remember all to well how isolated I felt when I took care of dad with his Alzheimer's. I tried my hardest to stay in contact with family. I drove him to see his favorite family members to have lunch and I would drive him to see his sister. As the Alzheimer's got worse, and he got more confused it was getting harder to do these things. But I still tried. Yet, I felt so isolated when no family member would come to the house to see us. They remembered Joe how he was. Funny, and fun and full of life. They didn't want to see him how he was now with no clue as to who they were. I would take him to the mall and to Denny's for dinner once a week and to Walmart while I went shopping. But my life consisted of me and him only. When I did get to see a family member, it would not be for very long and it was only because I went out of my way to see them. They didn't see how hurt I was that they didn't come by to visit. I still needed conversation with other adults. It reminded me of when I was bringing up my children as a stay at home mom and only having baby talk all day long. How I longed for adult conversation.

I am just bringing this up to help you see that if you know of a loved one who is taking care of a parent or spouse with Alzheimer's, please go out of your way to visit. They will welcome the company. Right now their world has stopped in time although the world is still moving. And just to see company come over to say hi, how are you doing will make their world more pleasant.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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