Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alzheimer's Blogging: Alzheimer's Blog: Alzheimersblogging: Marie Fostino Blogspot:

Check out this week. They are offering a free booklet on understanding Alzheimer's. Would you prefer a booklet over a website? Do you know the signs of Alzheimer's? Or do you know why it is important to see a doctor early? Do you know what kind of treatment you can get for this disease? Do you know how to get help while caring for someone with this disease? There is a free book from the National Institute of Aging, called Understanding Alzheimer's Disease.

I would suggest to get all the information that you can if you are dealing at home with a loved one with this disease. It is also important to get a good support group. Check out to find a support group in your area.

It is important to have someone to vent to. Like everything else in life there is good and bad with every circumstance. And if you don't talk and let it out the frustration will build up it will make for an ugly situation. I find that once I have a vent and let it out I am a happier person. Plus I forget what I was frustrated about and can start the day new again. So please find a good support group and find someone who will just let you vent.

It was very rewarding to take care of my father in law. I feel honored that I got the chance to give him as much as a normal life possible and I am glad I was at his side when he finally went to see the LORD. My prayers are with you.

Marie Fostino
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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