Monday, February 8, 2010


Today on my ambulance I had an elderly gentlemen who had low blood pressure. Was told he had low oxygen sats also. This poor man was a little up set when we came to his room this morning to wake him up to go to the hospital. He was pretty out of it. Well wouldn't you be sort of out of it also if you were woke up and taken out of bed before you had a chance to wake up? I did talk to him trying to explain to him what was going on and why. He didn't seem to understand but just let us do what we wanted to do. We sheet lifted him to our gurney. Took vitals, put in a IV, ecg monitor, oxygen and brought him safely to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital, he was trying to answer questions and trying to follow commands. He was hard of hearing, even with his hearing aid. He was also legally blind. Poor thing, my heart goes out to him. The doctor was kinda cute when he asked why he was there. His 02 sats went up with the bump of his oxygen, and he was a DNR. The doctor said it is probably a good thing he was here because maybe they didn't know how to take care of him.

On another note I want to thank Sandy for the You-Tube clip - I remember better when I paint. Check it out. It shows people with Alzheimer's come alive when painting or looking at paintings.

Marie Fostino
Alzheimer's A Caretakers Journal
Seaboard Press An Imprint Of James A Rock Pub., Co.

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